Beside your scrap recyclables, make sure you bring the following in order to be paid:

Provide proof of ID:

  • Valid drivers license # (license must be shown)
  • Name of Seller
  • Address of Seller
  • Statement indicating either that the Seller of the material is the Owner or has obtained permission from the Owner to sell the material (may be required depending on the item)

Payment will be made as follows:

  • Checks mailed to commercial and government accounts
  • Cash/Check will be issued to private patrons at time of sale (checks required on sales greater than $1,000)

All information will be submitted to local law enforcement as requested.


Do you have a question that we haven't answered? Please fill out the form below and a representative will contact you.

Most Common Scrap Metals We Recycle

*Please feel free to call us if you don'tsee your item on the list below

what do I need to bring to get


Step 1: Look for signs directing you to the recycling area

Step 2: Upon reaching the recycling area our employees will evaluate your recyclables and direct you to the small scale or drive-on scale.

​We emphasize customer service and will help unload materials, with the exception of busy days where we will assist you on a first come first serve basis.  We try our best to help everyone in a timely manner.  However, please ask for assistance with heavy materials or those that require a forklift.  We thank you for your patience.

Small Scale Items:

  • Each material is weighed separtely and recorded on a sales slip by one of our employees and will be given to you 
  • Once your materials have been weighed, please move your car to one of our parking areas

Drive-on Scale Items:

  • Each material is weighed separately
  • Upon driving onto the scale your gross weight will be recorded by an employee in the scale office and you will be notified when you can pull forward
  • One of our employees will direct you to the location where you materials will be unloaded.  Please let one of our employees know if you need assistance.
  • Return back to the drive-on scale so that your tare weigh (also know as light weight) can be recorded by the scale office employee
  • This process will be repeated if you have several large weight items or you may be re-routed to the small scale if the items you have dictate a small scale should be used for the most accurate weight (see small scale items section for details) 
  • Once your materials have been weighed, please move your car to one of our parking areas

Step 3: Proceed to the scale office window for payment.  If you had materials weighed on the small scale, please remember to bring your sales receipt with you


What happens when I arrive?

​​​Scarpati Recycling

1300-1350 New York Avenue,

Trenton, New Jersey 08638

Office: (609) 396-7040   FAX: (609) 396-4457